Important Dates -
Paper Submission -
WIP Submission -
Program & Proceedings -
Registration -
Location & Travel -
Accommodation -
The workshop aims to bring together researchers, developers and students working on
Plan 9 (see
Plan 9 from Bell Labs),
or related
platforms and projects, to discuss a wide range of system and application ideas
and issues.
Previous issues: 1st IWP9 (2006),
Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain;
2nd IWP9 (2007), Bell Labs, NJ, United States;
3rd IWP9 (2008), University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece.
Important Dates
Sep 7: Paper submission deadline
Sep 14: Paper acceptance notification
Oct 5: Works in progress submission deadline
Oct 12: Registration deadline
Oct 12: WIP acceptance notification
Oct 12: Camera ready version
Oct 21-23: Workshop
Paper Submission
Papers of up to 15 pages must be sent to iwp9paper at
in PDF or PS format.
Please do not forget to include the e-mail address of the contact author.
Submissions will be acknowledged via e-mail (please allow for a small delay).
Papers must be visually similar to Plan 9 papers that can be found
at /sys/doc/9/ in order to compile a homogeneous proceedings book.
See for example this paper.
These macros and this mkfile
can be used to duplicate this look.
Please keep this look and feel, use the same fonts and do not include page numbers.
For accepted papers, besides the PDF/PS file, it would be nice if authors could provide
a LaTeX (or troff) source in order to facilitate the compilation of the proceedings book.
This is not mandatory. Worst case, page numbers and a toc will be added by hand.
The workshop proceedings will be published in electronic form. We are also
considering the edition of a printed version with ISBN, to be distributed during
the workshop.
Accepted Papers
- Plan 9's Universial Serial Bus,
Francisco J. Ballesteros
- Measuring kernel throughput on Blue Gene/P with the Plan 9 research operating system,
Ronald G. Minnich, John Floren, Aki Nyrhinen
- Using Currying and process-private system calls to break the one-microsecond system call barrier,
Ronald G. Minnich, John Floren, Jim Mckie
- ATA au Naturel,
Erik Quanstrom with
- SD Refresh,
Erik Quanstrom
- Living under a Poison Tree,
Erik Quanstrom
- Styx Caching via Journal Callbacks,
Nathaniel W. Filardo, Venkatesh Srinivas
- A New Boot Process for Plan 9,
Iruatã Souza
- Building complex GUIs in Plan 9,
Jonas Amoson
WIP Submission
WIP of up to 3 pages must be set to iwp9wip at
in PDF or PS format.
Please do not forget to include the e-mail address of the contact author.
Submissions will be acknowledged via e-mail (please allow for a small delay).
Formatting requirements are the same as for papers.
Accepted WIPs
- How To Make a Lumpy RNG,
Michael A. Covington
- Levitating Across the River Styx,
Jeff Sickel
slides (compressed
- KNX Implementation for Plan 9,
Gorka Guardiola Múzquiz, Enrique Soriano Salvador, Francisco J. Ballesteros
- Btfs — a Bittorrent Client,
Mathieu Lonjaret
- File Indexing and Searching for Plan 9,
Francisco J. Ballesteros
- Mail as (real) files,
Francisco J. Ballesteros
- Ircfs and Wm/irc,
Mechiel Lukkien
- A File System for Laptops,
Brian L. Stuart
- Two Enhancements for Native Inferno,
Brian L. Stuart
- Inferno for the Sheevaplug,
Mechiel Lukkien
- Torrent,
Mechiel Lukkien
- Ssh 2 Client,
Mechiel Lukkien
- Dynamic resource configuration and control for an autonomous robotic vehicle
Steven D. Johnson, Bryce Himebaugh and Abhishek Kulkarni
Program and Proceedings
Printed copies of the proceedings
were provided to all participants and authors.
An electronic copy is available.
The program was
Wed 21 Oct 2009
15:00 - 15:45 Registration and coffee
15:45 - 16:45 Invited talk, “Plan 9: Its Place in History,” B. Coile
16:45 - 18:00 Tour of Coraid development
Thu 22 Oct 2009
09:00 - 09:30 Coffee
09:30 - 10:15 paper: Styx Caching via Journal Callbacks, V. Srinivas, N.W. Filardo
10:15 - 11:00 paper: Complex GUIs in Plan 9, J. Amoson
11:00 - 12:00 paper: Using Currying and Process-Private System Calls to Break the
One-Microsecond System Call Barrier, R.G. Minnich, J. Floren,
J. Mckie
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:15 wip: Levitating Across the River Styx, J. Sickel
14:15 - 14:30 wip: File Indexing and Searching for Plan 9, F.J. Ballesteros
14:30 - 15:15 paper: Living Under a Poison Tree, E. Quanstrom
15:15 - 15:45 Coffee
15:45 - 16:30 paper: A New Boot Process, I.M.S. Souza
16:30 - 17:00 demo: Tiny VX, R. Minnich
Fri 23 Oct 2009
09:00 - 09:30 Coffee
09:30 - 10:15 paper: ATA au Naturel and SD Refresh, E. Quanstrom
10:15 - 10:30 wip: A File System for Laptops, B. L. Stuart
10:30 - 10:45 wip: KNX Impmenentation for Plan 9, G. G. Múzquiz
10:45 - 11:00 wip: Two Enhancements for Native Inferno, B. L. Stuart
11:00 - 12:00 paper: Plan 9's USB, F. J. Ballesteros
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:15 wip: Mail as (real) Files, F.J. Ballesteros
14:15 - 15:15 paper: Measuring Kernel Throughput on Blue Gene/P,
R.G. Minnich, J. Floren
15:15 - 15:45 Coffee
15:45 - 16:15 wip: Dynamic Resource Configuration and Control for an Autonomous
Robotic Vehicle, S. D. Johnson, B. Himebaugh, A. Kulkarni
16:15 - 16:30 wip: How To Make a Lumpy RNG, M. A. Covington
16:30 - 17:00 topic: iwp9 5e, &c.
Videos of the proceedings are available here.
Many thanks to Eric VH for doing this.
The registration deadline is September 28th, 2009. To register, please send an
e-mail to iwp9reg at
with your name, affiliation and e-mail address, one per line.
Registration is free and includes entry to the talks and panels.
Food and hosting is not included.
Location & Travel
The workshop will be held in downtown Athens, GA on the campus of the
University of Georgia. For an overview of Athens, see
this map.
We will be meeting in the Tate Student Center room 141. The Tate Center is
at the intersection of S. Lumpkin and Baldwin in front of the football stadium,
45 Baxter St.
Athens is about 85 miles (140km) from the Hartsfield-Jackson International
Airport in Atlanta, GA
by car. Several shuttles are also available, including AAA ($45).
There are many good hotels in the downtown area.
We have a special rate at the Holiday Inn code IWP-9.
The hotel's number is +1.706.549.4433. The hotel will
hold these rooms until October 1st.
Promotional posters:
Program Committee
Francisco J. Ballesteros, LSUB, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Brantley Coile, Coraid Inc.
Geoff Collyer, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
Charles Forsyth, Vita Nuova, Ltd.
Devon O'Dell, Message Systems, Inc.
Erik Quanstrom, Coraid, Inc.
Brian L. Stuart, University of Memphis
Eric Van Hensbergen, IBM
Organizing Committee
Ian Ennis, Coraid Inc.
Devon O'Dell, Message Systems, Inc.
Erik Quanstrom, Coraid, Inc.
Jeffery Smith, University of Georgia
Ryan Thomas, Yap, Inc.
For further inquiries, please send an e-mail to iwp9 at