11th International Workshop on Plan 9

May 22-24, 2025
Cnam (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers)
2 rue conté 75003

Program - Scope - Important Dates - Types of Submission - Paper Submission - Work-In-Progress Submission - Registration - Location & Travel - Previous Workshops

Program and Proceedings

An electronic version of the proceedings will be provided to all participants and authors and will be publicly available after the workshop.

Live Broadcast

Presentations will be broadcast live on the Plan 9 Foundation YouTube channel.


Will be announced.


  • Angelo Papenhoff Lola: A new Window System for Plan 9
  • Anthony Sorace Nile: A More Transparent Window System
  • Geoff Collyer What I Saw at the Evolution of Plan 9
  • Ron Minnich VMThreads: virtual machines as threads
  • Brian Stuart Plan 9, the Raspberry Pi, and the ENIAC
  • Jacob Moody Modern Unicode Requires Modern Solutions
  • Konstantinn Bonnet Plan 9 Doomed: a review


  • Arkadiusz `Arusekk' Kozdra Uglendix: Another Plan9/Linux Distribution
  • Edouard Klein To Hell with WebAssembly
  • Ori Bernstein Rethinking PKI on Plan 9
  • Ron Minnich, Thierry Laronde, Paul Lalonde WIP: NIX Reborn
  • Jonathan Frech Toiled
  • Jonathan Frech Amber
  • Jonas Amoson Static Initialization of Bitfields in the Plan 9 C Compilers
  • Alyssa Marie Glenda and Tux
  • Gorka Guardiola Muzquiz Socarrat for Plan 9
  • Thierry Laronde TeX


This 2025 edition of the International Workshop on Plan 9 aims to bring together researchers, developers, and students working on Plan 9, Inferno, the 9P family of protocols, and related technologies to discuss advances in these fields, ideas for further improvement, applications, and impact of these ideas on the broader computer science community; and to work together on key issues identified during the first two days of the workshop or during the discussions leading up to it.

This year, our host having a focus on computer security, papers about cryptography, authentication, fault tolerance, robustness, security applications, error detection and remediation, software reliability, etc. are particularly welcome.

A second area of focus this year include Plan 9 and its derivatives’ history, and their impact on the broader computer industry. A round table will be held on these topics, and the history team at the Cnam is willing to assist in conducting oral history interviews with interested parties. Any paper or talk proposal focusing on the history of these technologies will also be particularly welcome.

As usual, the workshop topics also include, and are not restricted to:

  • system architecture
  • system services
  • file systems and servers
  • applications
  • projects for other platforms related to Plan 9

Important Dates

March 3rd, 2025: Submission Deadline
March 18th, 2025: Papers announced
May 22-24, 2025: The Workshop

Types of Submission

In order to increase the interactivity of the workshop, we intend to offer a hackathon in addition to the presentation of regular and short work in progress papers. Please send your proposal to iwp9paper at iwp9.org including the topic and a short abstract of the session, the name(s) of the organizer(s), duration of the session and required infrastructure (e.g. wired/wireless network, power, video projector).

Paper Submission

Papers of up to 15 pages must be sent to iwp9paper at iwp9.org in PDF format. Please do not forget to include the email address of the contact author. Submissions will be acknowledged via email.

Work-in-Progress Submission

Works in progress of up to 3 pages must be sent to iwp9wip at iwp9.org in PDF format. Please include the email address of the contact author. Submissions will be acknowledged via email.


The registration deadline is May 1st, 2025. Please register either by emailing: iwp9reg@iwp9.org, or registering on Eventbrite

Students can benefit from a discount ($20). Two price tiers are available : Simple access to the conference ($50), Or access to the conference, plus three lunches included in a neighboring restaurant, and a social event (a guided tour of the CNAM museum on friday the 23rd at night) for $125 total. Please note that we can accomodate, at most, fifty (50) attendees.

Location & Travel

The workshop will be held at the Cnam (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers), 2 rue conté 75003 Paris, France. Signage will guide you to the workshop from the door.

Suggested Lodging:

To be provided.


We expect that attendees will remain respectful of one another. Any organizer has the right to request an attendee to leave.


Program Committee

Edouard Klein
Brian L. Stuart, Drexel University
Ori Bernstein, 9front
John Floren, Gravwell
Daniel Maslowski, IAOTAI
Ron Minnich,

Organizing Committee

Brian L. Stuart, Drexel University
Ori Bernstein, 9front
Daniel Maslowski, IAOTAI
Ron Minnich,
Fariborz Tavakkolian, 9Netics

For further inquiries, please send an email to iwp9 at iwp9.org.

Previous workshops

1st IWP9 (2006), Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain; 2nd IWP9 (2007), Bell Labs, NJ, United States; 3rd IWP9 (2008), University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece; 4th IWP9 (2009), University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States; 5th IWP9 (2010), Seattle, WA, United States. 6th IWP9 (2011), Madrid, Spain. 7th IWP9 (2012), Dublin, Ireland. 8th IWP9 (2013), Athens, Georgia. 9th IWP9 (2023), Waterloo, ON, Canada. Recordings of sessions are availble on YouTube. 10th IWP9 (2024), Philadelphia, PA, USA. Recordings of sessions are available on the Plan 9 Foundation YouTube channel.